Club & Captain Administration/Information
Quick Check Calendar 2024-25
TWBL Committee meetings 2024-25 - Generally these take place once every two months throughout the season. We discuss issues that may have been brought to our attention by our clubs/players at all of our meetings along with any new player handicap requests from clubs for our 4s divisions. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 26 September.
Chairman: League match information & return of scorecards:
You will find important and relevant information in this table:
-- UPDATED FOR 2024-25 --
Singles e-Scorecard | Composite Cup e-Scorecard |
TWBL Player Handicaps 2024-25 | |
Has a match been postponed? Please use this form - Match Rearrangement Form
Lastly, for Team Captains in the 4s events -
Just to clarify, in doubles matches where handicaps are being used, the combined handicaps are divided by two to give the average for the pair. Only then are the BE Tables used for the starting off point in the game. We also suggest that before printing off your 4 player e-scorecard for a match, you fill out the names of your team members so that the games are populated with the correct names for each game electronically. This gives you a little less work to do at the start of the match itself!
The TWBL has produced a 2024 updated data protection policy (GDPR) - Click Here
Last updated: Sunday 15 September